Do You Suspect There's A Mud Dauber Nest On Your Placerville Property?
Hangtown Pest Control
Do You Suspect There's A Mud Dauber Nest On Your Placerville Property?
Of all the different types of wasps in existence, the mud dauber wasp may be among the least familiar to many people. Known to be less aggressive than the hornet or yellow jacket, the mud wasp, as it’s often called, is a solitary stinging insect that is common throughout North America, including right here in the Placerville area. They generally become the most active during the spring, but their populations grow all year long.
And unlike its more aggressive counterparts, mud daubers are not social insects, meaning they don’t live in colonies or defend their nests. Of course, that’s good news for people who fear being attacked by a swarm of wasps. However, they can still sting you if they feel threatened. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your dependable pest control in Placerville on speed dial for proper wasp removal on your property. Read on to learn more about these wasps and what to do if you encounter them on your property.
What Does A Mud Dauber Nest Look Like?
As the name implies, mud dauber wasps construct their nests from – you guessed it – mud. Their nests are unusual because they don’t resemble the comb-like structure of other wasp nests. Instead, a mud dauber’s nest mimics the shape of either an urn or long, thin pipes containing several chambers to house one single egg each. The female dauber is responsible for locating an abundant mud supply to build a nest. She uses her head and mandible to flatten the mud, while her saliva helps to create the urn-style or tube-like shaping. The unique structures of mud dauber nests make them easy to identify. The areas where you will find their nests most often include:
Building Overhangs
Front Porches
Mud dauber wasps prefer to nest in areas where they can seek shelter from the rain. They also favor creating their nests on rough surfaces, such as stucco or brick, so the mud adheres more securely. If you notice one on your property, reach out to your local pest control as they know the best way to get rid of a wasp nest.
Mud Dauber Habits And Behavior
Mud daubers are the high school equivalent of that shy, mysterious classmate who prefers to be left alone. Unlike their paper wasp, hornet, and yellow jacket compatriots, mud wasps are not social creatures and are rarely aggressive towards humans, despite their menacing appearance. These wasps can be surprisingly beneficial in reducing the occurrence of other nuisance insects that they prey upon for food. Even the venom from a mud dauber sting is mild compared to other wasps. However, if you do get stung by one, the typical symptoms include:
Redness Or Discoloration
Pain And Tingling
Only the females have stingers, and it is rare for them to attack people. Like many other wasp species, mud daubers are usually seen more in the year's warmer months, mainly late spring and into summer. They are most active during the day and are generally found near puddles to collect mud.
Is It True That Mud Daubers Will Eat Spiders On My Property?
It’s not often that you would consider a nuisance pest valuable, but it's true for mud wasps. Mud daubers are considered natural predators and will hunt and eat the spiders in your yard. Spiders, including the very dangerous black widow, are a mud wasp’s favorite meal.
Even though these wasps frequently feed on flower nectar, they can cram as many as two dozen tiny spiders into one of their nest cells, containing the larvae that will eventually feast upon them once they hatch. To capture spiders, mud daubers use their venom to paralyze and preserve them so they may be transported back to the nest cell and stored before being consumed. Mud wasps will lay a single egg directly on their prey and then seal it into the nest cell before creating a new nest to start the process all over again.
How To Get Rid Of Mud Daubers Safely And Effectively
It is always better to let seasoned professionals handle the task when it comes to proper wasp removal. Even though the mud wasp is less aggressive than many other wasps, experienced technicians possess the background and know-how to remove them from your property safely. At Hangtown Pest Control, we’ve been proudly servicing the homes and businesses of our community for decades. We provide an effective wasp removal service with long-lasting results. Contact us to request your free pest control estimate.